... yellow butterflies and star showers guide me to your garden and back into your arms ...


... to WordPress.

I finally decided to start getting my act together, writing-wise. That means I opened a WordPress blog under my pen name, Ale (Lady) Sieben, and will be posting things there. I'll also try to move my personal blog there, just to keep everything in the same place and not get my head split into too many bits and pieces.

In the coming days/weeks I may be scrapping my posts here, depending on what I end up deciding to do.

I'm excited about this, particularly because the new novel project is coming along okay. I mean, I haven't written anything on it officially, but all the ideas are in order and the plot's coherent, which is a very pleasing feeling.

I got a few things to do before going offline today, so I guess this is it for now.

Have a nice day, all, and wish me luck, if you will ;D


Ale (Lady) Sieben

PS: Here's the url: lswriting.wordpress.com